Monday, November 16, 2009

Is it true that some would kill for wavy long hair?

The grass is always greener on the other side I guess.

I want long straight hair, but I have long curly/wavy hair! :-(

Is it true that some would kill for wavy long hair?

I guess...I would kill for straight long hair.

Is it true that some would kill for wavy long hair?

"kill" being an exaggeration, yes.

i wish i had wavy long hair. *sighs*

Is it true that some would kill for wavy long hair?

i would. mine is so straight. when i don't even comb it after i shower, it's still dead straight. it feels like my hair is just sitting there, not people noticing it.

Is it true that some would kill for wavy long hair?

I would! Mine is short and straight.... life sucks. i guess we cant always have wot we want.


Is it true that some would kill for wavy long hair?

I have wavy long(ish) hair and I hate it! I have it in a short a bob as possible and I went through a stage of attacking it with the straighteners, but my hair went all dry.

It seems that people with poker-straight hair want curls, and those with curls want straight hair. Such an unfair world... ;_;

Is it true that some would kill for wavy long hair?

yup lol someone like me. well i wuldnt kill lol but since i have like straight hair i wuld want to do diff hairstyles , hairstyles that cant be done with straight hair. but if u think bout it nobody is really actually happy with their hair, ppl with straight hair wuld wish for wavy/curly hair, and ppl with wavy/curly hair wuld wish for straight hair, either way somebodies wishing for some diff hairstyle lol

Is it true that some would kill for wavy long hair?

I get compliments on my hair everytime I go for a trim.

Is that natural curl? Is that your real hair? Why are you cutting it? And the popular - I'd kill for hair like yours!

1. It is way to thick. Usually we (the curly headed), can't wear all those dainty little hair accesories. They break. Or won't hold.

2. Have you ever tried to comb through naturally wavy hair? It sucks! And hurts!

3. At least for me, when I go in for a blow out. It lasts at the max three hours. If that.

4. Usually wavy course hair is very dry, for me, So I am always spraying detangler in it. If I just leave it as is. It turns into a big rats nest with frizz. Really.

5. Keep it trimmed! Split ends run rampant through wavy thick hair. It kind of blends with the ret of the hair and soon you are looking at a style FULL of split ends.

6. It gets dirty so fast! Anyone know why? I can have freshly washed hair, sit on the deck for five minutes and it feels absolutly grubby! Why?

I NEVER complain about this, tho. Because my sister would kill me. (She is of the thin, fine stick straight hair variety)

Is it true that some would kill for wavy long hair?

Haha. Yeah, I think there are some who would like to have long wavy hair. It seems like no matter what kind of hair we have, we always want what we don't have. =)

Straight hair seems most versatile to me, because you can wear it naturally straight without destroying it with heat and chemical processes, or you can curl it or add waves... Or, you could use a combination of all of these hair textures to create your look.

I have to say that I've alwys been partial to natural waves and curls in hair. I was incredibly sad when I learned that both Rob Flynn (of Machine Head), and Chris Cornell, (formerly of Soundgarden) cut their long wavy locks... =(

Is it true that some would kill for wavy long hair?

WOHOOO some people actually want that ?? Man, I have the whole package, but believe me it CAN get annoying..

i fully agree with Naomi coz it's the same with me

Is it true that some would kill for wavy long hair?

yeah its strange but it tends to be that people with straight hair want wavy hair, and people with wavy hair want straight hair. i fit into this category too, i have wavy hair and i would kill for straight hair.

Is it true that some would kill for wavy long hair?

People typically want what they can't or don't have.... so ya... I think most people who have short straight hair would love to have wavy long hair! And the other way around too! I would love long wavy hair. But the great thing about hair is that you can do pretty much whatever you want with it! Like for example... all I have to do to get long wavy hair is get a perm, and wait a few years for my hair to grow out. It is just that some people get impatient. Or they are just lazy...... ok sry that i kinda got off topic but I am just trying to help! =)

Is it true that some would kill for wavy long hair?

i guess so...people are never content with what they have. 4 example. i want straight hair...

Is it true that some would kill for wavy long hair?

Nobody is happy with their own hair. The ones that have it straight, want it curly; and the ones that have it curly, want it straight.

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